Thursday, August 14, 2008

Houston...we have a 4 Pounder...

...Well, actually a 4 lb, 1 oz baby and a 3lb 5.5 oz baby. Finally we are gaining some substantial weight. Our night nurse told me this morning that she actually weighed Olivia 3 times because she was so shocked by her weight gain! I was happy to see Miss Sydney finally move from 3lbs 3oz!

The girls are ONCE again dressed in their adorable Twins Rock onesies. Our night nurse was SOOOOO excited about them. THEN after she dressed them, when she was on her break she was reading a magazine and saw that JLO had dressed her kids in the same outfits (well, her boy wasn't in the purple one), and she thought that was even cooler! :)



Today, after a quick trip to Target, I worked a little on the girls' closet. I've finally figured out how I want to move some things around in the nursery so that things flow a little better AND so that I can get into ALL of the closet. Right now the closet is partially blocked by the girls' dresser! It stinks. Next, I need to get more closet organizers and label the drawers that I am placing in the closet so that Matt can find things (he often doesn't understand my logic in organization). I also need to get a 3 drawer organizer to keep outside in the nursery for bottles, bottle liners, pacifiers, and nursing covers.

Then we need to figure out what we want to put on the girls' walls, they are looking QUITE bare. We have the cool plaques from our neighbors, but I need to figure out WHERE I want to put them in the room and what else is going to be on the walls so that Matt can hang them for me. I was thinking some Disney prints would be cool, maybe from Finding Nemo, and I wanted to have poor Gretchen paint me wall letters, but it's time for school to start, so I'm not sure if she's going to have time. :( We also talked about hanging one or both of the girl's quilts for decoration as well, so we'll see.

Other than this, nothing too exciting happened today!

The girls are great, their weight is even better. We'll have open air cribs in the next week and officially start some bottle feeding next week. Nursing is going pretty well; they definately have moments where they want to work more than others. They tire out very quickly. Tomorrow is FINALLY Friday, and I anticipate that it will be just as busy a day as today was, as I am dedicated to getting their nursery organized by the end of the weekend!

Have a great day!

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